In cooperation with our partner Swiss Foundation for Innovation (SFI) and funded by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the Clinic Partnerships program, the AGNF conducted ERC courses in Albania in an initial course phase.
During the two-week course phase, an international team of instructors from Romania, Tunisia and Germany led by Diana Cimpoesu, Helene Papaspyrou and Klaus Meyer was deployed. During the first week, Albanian doctors, ambulance staff and nurses were trained in ERC Advanced Life Support (ALS) courses. A Generic Instructor Course (GIC) was also held, in which experienced instructors were given further training to enable them to run courses independently, train new instructors and optimize the quality of training. In the second week of the course, they were able to conduct their first Basic Life Support (BLS) and Immediate Life Support (ILS) courses.
In total, they were able to train almost 60 ALS providers and 4 local ALS instructors.
Our Albanian partner, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the capital Tirana, offers very good conditions and training materials.
The aim is to offer further ALS and GIC courses in the course of the year in order to be able to train a course director and further instructors locally.