NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

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The AGNF is a cooperation partner of Fani ’24

From 13 - 14.12.2024, the Institute for Emergency Medical Education (INOB) is organizing the congress FANI '24 - Frankenderby der Akut-, Notfall- und Intensivmedizin at the SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule Fürth.
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We are delighted to be a partner of FANI ’24 – Frankenderby der Akut-, Notfall- und Intensivmedizin together with the Klinikum Fürth, the Klinikum Nürnberg and the Technologietransferzentrum für Digitalisierung in der Notfallmedizinischen Bildung.
The congress will take place from 13 – 14.12.2024 at the SRH Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences Fürth and is organized by the Institute for Emergency Medical Education (INOB).

The patron of the event is Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, for Sport and Integration.
The preliminary program is already available at and will be updated regularly. Tickets can also be booked directly on the FANI ’24 website.
An extensive range of supplementary workshops will be added shortly.

New e-mail addresses

Following the relaunch of our website at the end of February, which can now be accessed at instead of, we are now also changing our e-mail addresses.
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We are changing our e-mail addresses from to
If you would like to send us an e-mail, please send it to the new address with immediate effect. Of course, you can still reach us via the previous addresses.
However, you will receive e-mails from us from the new addresses with immediate effect.

Action day of the vocational schools for emergency paramedics

Regular training under conditions that are as close to reality as possible is essential to ensure that every move is right in an emergency. A wide variety of scenarios were therefore practiced at the action day of our vocational schools for emergency paramedics in Stein.
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From accidents at work with trapped persons to injured children on the playground and resuscitation, our students were able to apply what they had learned. A total of dozens of operations were simulated. Each station was supervised by experienced teachers from our vocational schools and practical instructors, so that the trainee emergency paramedics could be given detailed feedback immediately after the exercise.

Rare or particularly challenging cases were also on the program. For example, in the case of a home birth with complications for the mother, it was important to react correctly. Interaction with the fire department was practiced during the rescue of trapped workers. In cooperation with the police, we had to deal with an operation in which the treatment of injured persons was obstructed by troublemakers. This allowed our students to complete many intensive training sessions in a very short space of time – an important dress rehearsal shortly before the upcoming final exams.

Franken Fernsehen and Nürnberger Nachrichten, among others, reported on the day of action.

We would like to thank everyone involved, especially the town of Stein, the Stein fire department, the FORUM Stein, the Nibler group of companies, the Schwabach-Roth St John’s Ambulance and the Stein police station – without their fantastic support, the day of action would not have been possible in this form.

58 years of voluntary work and AGNF board member since the very beginning – an interview with Arthur Sieder

Arthur Sieder can look back on 58 years of voluntary work. At the age of 70, he wants to take it easy and in future will concentrate on his tasks as a construction officer and crisis manager at BRK Fürth.
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As a BRK representative, he has been a member of the Management Board and now the Supervisory Board since the AGNF was founded. We are therefore all the more pleased that he will remain with us in his role at the AGNF.
What appeals to him most is the opportunity “to promote and maintain the proximity between BRK Fürth and AGNF. I am still active in various areas of the BRK and therefore believe I can continue to act as a mediator.” He is pleased that his “work on the Supervisory Board of AGNF will now also strengthen cooperation and collaboration between the two organizations” and is certain that “both BRK and AGNF can benefit from good networking.”

From major fires and floods to the coronavirus pandemic – as a disaster relief officer, Arthur Sieder has experienced emergencies, strokes of fate and tragedies at first hand. Despite all the suffering, there are moments that he particularly likes to think back on: “A few days ago, a BRK colleague of mine said in a newspaper interview that it is important for the helpers to be allowed and required to laugh every now and then, especially during longer missions, alongside the serious work. In fact, such moments were also important and formative during my missions in the 2002 and 2013 floods. During the often depressing and painful missions in the rescue service, it was also the quiet and calm moments after a mission.”
Especially little things like “the elderly lady who brought “cakes for the nice helpers” to our 70-strong support contingent at the registration head during the flood operation in Plattling in 2013″ remain fond memories for him.

Arthur Sieder came to volunteering in the traditional way “via first aid courses, paramedic training, sports field services and the slow introduction to the rescue service”, which were decisive for his many years of sustained work in acute and emergency medicine.
For young people who want to follow in his footsteps, he has the advice to “in addition to learning medical skills, gently teach your soul how to deal with the suffering and pain of others”. Because “perhaps this will help you to cope with the challenges and stresses of this job even after many years.” He also considers “continuous learning and further training in emergency medicine and disaster control” to be extremely important. “This is the only way to gain the necessary security and routine for an emergency – which may never happen, especially in disaster control.”

During his time as a manager at the BRK, he has always been concerned with recruiting young talent. He warns against “scaring away people interested in our work with the “statutory duties” as soon as they join. The fields of activity of the aid organizations are so diverse that it must be possible for interested members to decide for themselves in which areas they want to be active.”
He has found that interested people “do not want to be confronted with a catalog of duties right from the start”. Aid organizations in particular “need to offer flexible volunteering opportunities that enable young people in particular to combine their volunteer work with their studies, work and leisure activities.”
In his experience, modern means of communication and social media play a key role in this: “A strong presence on popular platforms can help to raise awareness of the organization’s work and appeal to young people.”

At AGNF, Arthur Sieder follows “all projects with great interest” and sometimes regrets “that active support for some projects fails due to age alone.” After FÜRTH SCHOCKT!, the starting signal has been given for ERLANGEN SCHOCKT! and other regions will follow. The educational offering was repositioned under the bildung37° brand. A new educational campus is to be built around the association’s headquarters in Stein and the vocational school for emergency paramedics located there. And our international commitment is attracting more and more attention.
Looking back, Arthur Sieder found the AGNF’s activities during the coronavirus crisis very exciting, as he “personally had the opportunity to actively support various projects in conjunction with the BRK.” In future, he will follow the “structural development and realization of the educational campus” with particular interest, if only because of his professional background as an engineer. In connection with the FÜRTH SCHOCKT! project, he would like to “continue to advocate for the BRK to contribute its existing expertise.”

When asked about his wishes for acute and emergency medicine and disaster control in and around Fürth, Arthur Sieder’s thoughts turn to improving equipment and strengthening volunteer work in society.
In terms of equipment, “continuous and sufficient funding from state and local authorities” would be essential to “ensure that rescue services and civil protection are always optimally equipped.” He would like to see “a similar commitment from the public sector to that of the fire departments.” Especially in times of increasing natural disasters and other emergencies, “it is important that our emergency services can respond quickly and effectively.” Because “an improved infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology would significantly increase operational capability and help to save lives and minimize damage.”
For him, strengthening volunteering in society is about “public recognition and appreciation”, for which “the Bavarian volunteer card is a good example.” He also believes that “promotion and support, possibly through financial incentives, tax relief or financial support for training and further education” are other key factors. And the “support from employers” makes it much easier to get involved as a volunteer.

We look forward to working with Arthur Sieder in the future and hope he continues to enjoy his work and the free time he has gained!

AGNF team trains the DFB selection in resuscitation

As a course center of the German Resuscitation Council (GRC), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e.V. (AGNF) trained the DFB players and the entire support team in resuscitation in Herzogenaurach.
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The campaign was part of a UEFA project in cooperation with the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), which began with GOAL (GO and save A Life) courses on resuscitation training for players, coaches, referees and staff at matches and tournaments in the run-up to the European Championships.

There was one scene from the last European Championship that most people will remember beyond the goals and chants: when Christian Eriksen collapsed in his Danish team’s group game, he had to be resuscitated on the pitch. Fortunately, he has recovered well and is once again in the Denmark squad.

As emergency care is not always available as quickly as in the stadium, numerous active and former professionals such as Erling Haaland, Ruud Gullit and Didier Deschamps support the “Get Trained, Save Lives” campaign, as part of which the ERC has now been able to train around 12,000 players, coaches and staff who are on duty at UEFA EURO 2024 in resuscitation.

A team from bildung37°, the AGNF competence center for acute and emergency medicine, provided training for the DFB team in Herzogenaurach. Both the professionals around captain Ilkay Gündogan and the coaching and support team learned the theoretical background of resuscitation and practiced on dummies in the event of an emergency.

“The players know exactly what to do on the pitch and are used to stressful situations. But when it comes to life and death, it’s a completely different kind of tension. Now you also have the right tactics when it comes to resuscitation,” explains Klaus Meyer, Chairman of the Management Board of the AGNF and head of the GRC course center in Fürth.

The DFB team is setting a good example, and fans have the chance to do the same as their idols in the fan zones at the venues and receive training in resuscitation. If you want to get started right away, you can learn the principles of resuscitation with prominent players in a virtual changing room on in just a few minutes.

As a GRC course center, bildung37° also offers a wide variety of course formats, from resuscitation courses for laypersons to advanced training for medical professionals. And this applies to the Fürth location in Würzburger Straße, Nuremberg or Bayreuth as well as beyond the metropolitan region, for example in Landshut or Passau.

Founded in 1989, the ERC now comprises 32 national councils, including the German Resuscitation Council, and publishes standardized resuscitation guidelines for the whole of Europe. With campaigns such as the annual one on 16.10. Restart a Heart day or the cooperation with UEFA, the ERC raises awareness for the topic of resuscitation and thus makes a central contribution to saving lives.

AGNF is positioning its educational offering under the new bildung37° brand

The AGNF has developed considerably in recent years. In order to ensure that the core of the AGNF's activities - training and further education in the field of acute and emergency medicine - remains at the center of its communication and external perception, the AGNF is now positioning its educational offerings under the new bildung37° brand.
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“As AGNF, we are working to establish a high level of healthcare competence and care as the standard. This is only possible with excellently trained staff. We therefore want to make relevant information quickly and easily accessible to participants interested in our training courses. This is made possible by bildung37° as the AGNF competence factory for acute and emergency medicine,” says Klaus Meyer, CEO of AGNF, explaining the motivation behind the introduction of the new brand. The newly launched portal also provides information on training to become a paramedic and vocational training to become an emergency paramedic. Further education and training courses can be booked there easily and directly.

Bernd Obst, District Administrator of the Fürth district and member of the AGNF Supervisory Board, congratulated the team on the launch of the new educational brand: “I am delighted that the AGNF is constantly evolving. The new bildung37° brand gives AGNF’s educational offering even more visibility and thus ensures excellently trained specialists in the field of acute and emergency medicine – in the region and far beyond.”

The educational work is already emphasized by the brand name. The addition 37° figuratively stands for the optimum human body temperature and therefore the optimum environmental conditions for effective learning. Sebastian Habicht, Head of the vocational schools for emergency paramedics and Head of Training and Further Education, explains the background to the brand name: “Everyone who attends one of our training courses should feel completely at ease with us and experience an optimal learning environment – through good organization, good information, good teaching & presentation and a positive atmosphere.”

Project trip to Ukraine successfully completed

From 28.1. A team from the AGNF traveled to Ukraine from 1 to 2.2.24. The trip took place as part of the Ukraine project, which the AGNF has been carrying out since April 2023 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and which is funded by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as part of the Clinic Partnerships program.
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The project aims to strengthen the Ukrainian population’s ability to help themselves by qualifying multipliers in special first aid and establishing a rescue service specializing in the transfer of seriously injured and sick patients within Ukraine.

The AGNF team visited project partners in Lviv and Kyiv, where they also met with political representatives and healthcare stakeholders. The course of the project was presented and discussed there. Needs and prospects for future projects were also discussed.
Among other things, the project team carried out the journey with its own intensive care transport vehicle in order to gain experience in transporting patients over longer distances. Klaus Meyer, CEO of AGNF, was part of the team: “Above all, the visit is also a sign of appreciation for the local partners. Initiating a project from a safe distance is one thing. Experiencing the situation on the ground is something else.” Visits included the largest orthopaedic and rehabilitation center in Ukraine – Unbroken in Lviv, the project partners SFI Ukraine and LEF as well as the Special Training Center in Kyiv. A team of journalists accompanied the AGNF during the entire stay. The footage will be made into a documentary for ZDF and broadcast in a few weeks’ time.

The team was particularly impressed by how Ukrainian citizens manage to live a comparatively normal everyday life despite the war and the constant threat of air strikes – at least in the two cities they visited. In conversations, however, you also realize how two years of war weigh on people’s souls.

Sankt Marien children’s hospital in Landshut – our future cooperation partner

As the responsible course center of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) in northern Bavaria, the AGNF is always interested in establishing the certified course formats throughout Germany.
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We are therefore delighted that we will be able to work even more closely with our cooperation partner, the Sankt Marien children’s hospital in Landshut, in the future. The AGNF has already held regular training events for the hospital in recent years.

This has now culminated in an established cooperation. As part of this, the European Paediatric Advanced Life Support (EPALS) course format is offered to employees of the children’s hospital and all interested parties in Landshut. The EPALS courses are specially designed to train the advanced care of pediatric emergencies and are aimed at nurses, doctors and ambulance staff.

In addition, the children’s hospital will in future conduct its internal resuscitation training using the European Paediatric Basic Life Support (EPBLS) course format. It is worth noting that as part of this training, every employee is certified by trainers from the European Resuscitation Council. The EPBLS course covers the basic measures for resuscitation of children and infants as well as the early recognition of critically ill children.

The Sankt Marien Children’s Hospital will be able to offer the EPBLS course format for its employees independently in the future. To make this possible, eleven employees at the children’s hospital were trained as EPBLS instructors in June 2023. This instructor training follows an international standard, includes a logical and stringent didactic concept and is also certified by the ERC.

We are delighted to have gained a strong cooperation partner in the region with the Sankt Marien Children’s Hospital in Landshut!

Project launch “FÜRTH SCHOCKT!” for the week of resuscitation

The "Fürth SCHOCKT!" project aims to improve the availability of publicly accessible AED devices (Automated External Defibrillator) in the city and district of Fürth. This should significantly improve the chances of survival for patients in cardiac arrest!
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A comprehensive AED structure is a key factor in improving survival after cardiac arrest. The professional rescue service takes an average of 8-10 minutes to arrive. For this reason, first aiders (e.g. relatives, colleagues, witnesses) play a decisive role in resuscitation by acting safely. There are more than 70,000 cases of sudden cardiac death in Germany every year. Statistically, this amounts to 180-220 people affected per year in the city and district of Fürth. Only a few survive such an event. The aim is to raise public awareness of the issue and reduce the inhibition threshold for using an AED in an emergency. “50, perhaps even 100 of these people could survive each year if we succeed in improving the conditions in the city and district of Fürth,” says Klaus Meyer, Chairman of the AGNF, which has taken over the project management on behalf of the city and district of Fürth.

There are already around 150 AED devices in the city and district of Fürth, but only 10 of them are public and therefore always accessible to first aiders. The project aims to establish a network of around 250 publicly accessible devices in the coming years. It is not just the purchase of the device that is involved. It must also be stored protected from the weather in a heated and clearly visible box, the necessary maintenance intervals must be completed, consumables replaced and a battery replacement financed after four years. A special feature of the Fürth project is that all AED devices are equipped with a special chip that enables live geodata tracking. This means that the AGNF is always informed whether a device is working properly, what the battery charge status is, whether it is being used and where the device is currently located. CardiLink from Fürth is contributing this innovation. After use, the device is made ready for operation again and is available for use on site after a short time. All these services were previously the responsibility of the owner, which often prevented them from being placed in public spaces.

“As far as we know, the “Fürth SCHOCKT!” project is the only project in Germany to date with such a comprehensive range of services and solutions,” says Klaus Meyer.

AED sponsors are being sought who are willing to finance a publicly accessible device. For example, at a company location, at a sports club, the church community or through a private donation. This can be taken over for 4 or 8 years.

In addition to the AGNF, the district and the city of Fürth, other partners are also supporting the project. The Bavarian Red Cross District Association of Fürth, the city and district fire departments, the Fürth Hospital, the Fürth Doctors’ Network, the “Fürth drückt!” initiative, the Greuther Fürth football club and infra fürth as an infrastructure and media partner are also involved.

In the coming year, the project is to be supplemented by a smartphone-based alerting system for first responders. The aim is to activate pre-registered first aiders in the immediate vicinity of an incident who can quickly initiate resuscitation measures. A very successful project that has been established in Freiburg for 6 years entitled “Region of Lifesavers” serves as a blueprint.

Update: Ukraine aid project

Where we have already been able to help and where we want to help in the future. Since the start of the Ukraine aid project in March 2022, which was initiated in response to Russia's military incursion, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e.V. has been able to make a valuable contribution to improving the medical care situation in Ukraine with the help of your support.
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The generous donations made it possible to procure and deliver almost 10 tons of relief supplies, including medicines and medical consumables for the care and treatment of sick and wounded people as well as hygiene articles and medical equipment. As part of three large transport trips between March and May, more than 15 clinics in the greater Kiev area, Kharkiv, Irpin, Drohobych and Zaporizhzhya were supplied with urgently needed relief supplies. Collaboration with local doctors and newly acquired cooperation partners helped to plan donations in line with needs and targets.

The personal impressions and testimonials from those affected during the tours continue to fuel the commitment of the AGNF project members and so even today, 6 months after the start of the initiative, all resources are being activated to help the people in Ukraine. In July, the AGNF was able to provide medicines worth over 6,000 euros at short notice for an aid shipment to the conflict region of Luhansk. A few weeks later, the BRK Fürth organized a large-scale donation campaign in which 28 used care beds, around 50 wheelchairs and walkers and hospital furniture went to a clinic in Drohobych. The AGNF used its network to establish contact between donors and recipients and supported the campaign with additional manpower.

In addition to the contribution we can all make today, we are already thinking one step ahead as part of the aid project. What will it take to build a new medical infrastructure in Ukraine after the war? And how can the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e.V. (Fürth Emergency Medicine Working Group), as an educational institution, support the local players in this challenge? There is still much to do and the AGNF gratefully accepts your continued support, with the promise that all donations will be passed on as direct added value to the people in Ukraine.

Train for a demanding job!

Big action day at the vocational school for emergency paramedics. The AGNF is one of the largest institutions for training and further education in Bavaria and operates two state-recognized vocational schools for emergency paramedics.
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The profession of emergency paramedic has only existed since 2014. Emergency paramedics are trained for three years and are the highest non-medical qualification in the German rescue service. Today, they take care of many emergency patients independently, such as administering pain medication. They also provide complex life-saving measures, e.g. administering emergency medication in the event of a heart attack, until an emergency doctor arrives. High-quality and intensive training is therefore necessary to fulfill this task profile.

The current class of emergency paramedics will complete their training in September 2022. In preparation for the upcoming state examination and the demanding everyday working life, an action day was held at the AGNF at the end of June. The students of the final year each occupied an ambulance in threes and had to deal with different missions in the city area, accompanied and observed by their practical instructors and the teachers of the vocational school. The simulated missions are then evaluated and debriefed with the team.

Such a training day offers the unique opportunity to experience school and work in a safe environment and still have to work independently. We were supported in the organization of the action day by the rescue services of the BRK, the JUH and the ASB, who provided emergency vehicles. In addition, the town of Stein provided premises to enable operations to be carried out at real locations. The Stein fire department supported the day of action with personnel and equipment. A total of over 50 people were involved.

Aid delivery for Ukraine

Dear colleagues, We have succeeded in organizing the first medical supplies and bringing them to Ukraine. Last weekend, ITLS Germany and the AGNF initiated an appeal for donations for a hospital in the greater Kiev area, to which a personal contact exists through Jurij Kryvonos , a pediatrician and ITLS instructor working there.
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We have spent the last few days procuring the necessary medicines and medical supplies. The problem here was that various things are already sold out across Europe, such as special products for hemostasis.

Nevertheless, a delivery weighing almost 1.5 tons was put together last Wednesday and loaded onto two vehicles. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many donors, donors in kind and the AGNF employees who helped with the procurement and loading. We would particularly like to thank the Fürth Clinic, SIMple medics, Bexamed and Orange, who all supported us with generous donations in kind. We would also like to thank everyone who diligently shared our article and thus brought the campaign to the attention of the general public. We were also very touched by the personal messages we received, so many of you offered your help. Within just ten days, we were able to successfully carry out this fantastic aid campaign thanks to the fantastic commitment of each individual. Many thanks to all of you.

On Thursday morning at 9 a.m. we set off for Ukraine. The journey went smoothly and we reached the Ukrainian border at around 20:00. For their part, the Ukrainian colleagues started in the Kiev region with two vehicles. Contrary to plans, colleagues were not allowed to enter the country for the handover at the Korczowa border crossing. So we first had to “travel out” to the Ukrainian side to be able to hand over the goods in the “neutral zone”. Shortly after midnight everything was done and our contact Yuri Kryvonos, the pediatrician from the Kiev area, was very happy about the first aid delivery!

The transport has now safely reached the greater Kiev area and the delivery has already been distributed to the individual functional areas. We received very, very positive feedback from our colleagues on site

We will now continue to determine the needs in the hospital, but also in other hospitals, and organize a second transport as soon as possible.

Je suis Ukraine!

Best regards
from the AGNF team

Innovative and future-oriented

The need for modern and innovative further education and training opportunities for medical professionals is constantly increasing due to the rapid progress in the healthcare sector.
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This is why Fürth Hospital and the Fürth Emergency Medicine Working Group (AGNF), as established players in the healthcare sector, have taken the initiative to create a joint education, innovation and science platform for medical, nursing, rescue and emergency response professionals in the form of the Institute for Emergency Medical Education, with the ultimate aim of continuously improving patient safety.

“With the founding of INOB, we have succeeded in taking an important and forward-looking step in the education market and expanding the emergency medicine education market here in the Nuremberg, Fürth, Erlangen metropolitan region alongside the Institute for Emergency Medicine and Medical Management (INM) in Munich,” says Managing Director Oliver Riedel.

The SIM box, which enables virtual and practical patient simulation, is a unique tool in Germany for the continuous further training of medical staff: using audiovisual projection and unique soundscapes, individually adapted, realistic virtual learning environments are presented in which medical professionals train emergency situations. Other important training topics include the promotion of intercultural competence in emergency situations and de-escalation in emergency situations.

Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, also emphasized the importance of modern training opportunities at the founding event of the Institute for Emergency Medical Education in Fürth. “The coronavirus pandemic shows us how important a functioning and effective healthcare system is. Well-trained specialist personnel are indispensable. We are already very well positioned here in Bavaria,” says Herrmann.

In addition to establishing high-quality educational programs and innovative research projects, the INOB is pursuing the expansion of a strong network and links to university structures. Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and the Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences in Fürth have been permanent cooperation partners of the INOB from the very beginning.

Voluntary social year at the AGNF

Not everyone knows what they want to do immediately after leaving school, training or studying. An FSJ gives you the opportunity to use the time until your next big step in life in a meaningful way and at the same time make a valuable contribution to society.
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At the AGNF, you can spend a year getting to know educational work at first hand. We organize a variety of different emergency medical training courses for doctors, ambulance staff, nurses and many other professional groups and run a vocational school for training to become an emergency paramedic.

If you are interested in adult education and emergency medicine, send us your application!

Our team is looking forward to meeting you!

Please send applications to:

Emergency Medicine Working Group Fürth e.V.
Klaus Meyer, Head of the educational institution
Deutenbacher Street 1
90547 Stone

Prepared for an emergency

The Klinikum Würzburg Mitte (KWM) has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e.V. (AGNF) for the training and further education of medical staff. As an official course location, the hospital now regularly hosts training courses for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals at the Fürth training center.
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Klinikum Würzburg Mitte is the official venue for resuscitation training courses

The “Newborn Life Support” (NLS) and “Advanced Life Support” (ALS) courses are offered, which provide training in advanced resuscitation measures for newborns and adults. In addition to imparting basic theoretical knowledge, the training courses are characterized above all by a high practical component.

Doctors, nursing staff, midwives and rescue service personnel work together on an interdisciplinary basis during the realistic training. The exercise situations reflect the everyday life of all professional groups and are intended to improve cooperation in real emergency situations.

The courses are aimed at all interested parties from hospitals, emergency services and private practices. In line with the current situation, the courses are held in compliance with strict hygiene concepts. Further information and online registration can be found on the AGNF website (


From left to right: Christofer Krieg, Emergency Coordinator at the KWM, Sebastian Habicht, Head of Training and Further Education at the AGNF,

Simon Veit, Assistant to the Director of Medicine at the KWM, and Dominik Landeck, KWM Managing Director (Photo: Klinikum Würzburg Mitte)

Fundraising campaign for Uganda

In 2020, we trained over 160 employees & 15 instructors in Uganda as part of the ERC course formats. Now we would like to help our partners set up their new course center so that they can independently train other emergency medical staff.
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With our project “Advanced Life Support (ALS) Courses in Uganda”, we have trained over 160 people and 15 instructors in Advanced Life Support together with our local partner, Makerere University, and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC). The trained instructors will soon be able to conduct certified resuscitation courses completely independently of us as part of the ERC course format. The standardized and continuously modernized ERC course formats, which are already being taught throughout Europe, will thus be established in Uganda in the long term. We are delighted that the trained local instructors now want to get started with their own course center! The building has been rented, the first courses are planned and the know-how and the will are there to improve emergency care in Uganda in the long term. The only thing missing now is the interior design – we pray for your help. The building has several course rooms, an office, kitchen, storage rooms and toilets. In order to operate the course center and expand the range of courses on offer, our project partners urgently need the following equipment:

60 classroom chairs 10 €/each
10 classroom tables 30 €/each
3 office desks 100 €/each
4 office chairs 40 €/each
2 office cabinets 50 €/each
1 Entrance area table 100 €/piece
1 Entrance area chair 50 €/piece
5 Whiteboard 100 €/each

Donate now for “Emergency medicine education in Uganda – furniture for course center” at our partner

Information about the predecessor project, Advanced Life Support (ALS) courses in Uganda, can be found here.

You can find the Facebook page of the course center here.

The AGNF in times of Covid-19

How can the world turn 180 degrees in just a few weeks? Everyone has probably asked themselves this question in the last few days. We also rub our eyes in amazement. It's not just the professional implications that concern us, but of course each and every one of us also has a private life. And there too, there are challenges to overcome, such as looking after children or caring for the elderly.
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We have canceled many of our Facebook posts that were planned for these weeks. They would have been out of date and would not have done justice to the current situation. Today we would like to give you an insight into our CORONA everyday life. The school closures led to some new challenges for our team, especially for our teachers at the vocational school for emergency paramedics:

– How do we maintain close contact with our students?
– How can the individual learning process continue to be supported and positively influenced?
– Which teaching methods can be used sensibly and successfully over a greater distance?

The intensive use of our online learning platform, as well as the introduction of telephone and video conferences between class leaders and their students, were the first steps towards the most effective possible compensation for the canceled lessons.

Our teachers also provide their students with learning packages that present the content of the teaching phases in a condensed form and enable them to work on tasks from home. The use of e-learning in combination with regular telephone and internet conversations enables us to provide our students with intensive support. We try to do as much as possible from our home office.

In the area of further education and training, we are working intensively on new and proven concepts, striving for improvements and updating them. In addition to introducing new training courses, such as “Hygiene Officer in Healthcare”, we are primarily developing our patient safety offering and our SIMBULANCE.

As a course center of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), we prepared intensively for the publication of the guidelines in October 2020. In addition to the GRC Resuscitation Dialogue in Cologne, a satellite event was planned in the greater Nuremberg/Fürth/Erlangen area. Last Friday, the publication of the new guidelines was postponed by one year.

At the beginning of last week, we provided two of our ventilators to a peripheral clinic on request. One of them is already in use in an intensive care unit, while the second is available for the emergency care of patients. Even if the occasion is not particularly pleasant, we are still pleased that our appliances are being put to more sensible use during this time than standing in stone in the cellar.

Next week, an outpatient care center will go into operation in the district of Fürth. This should provide additional medical capacity at the height of the pandemic, which is expected to reach us in the coming weeks. We provide conceptual and organizational support and are also involved in operations.

What is your situation? What has changed for you in the last few weeks? Write us your impressions and experiences.

Stay healthy everyone and hope to see you soon, ¬

Your team of the Working Group for Emergency Medicine Fürth e.V.

The AGNF in times of Covid-19

In order to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was decided to set up so-called priority practices in every district or independent city in Bavaria. The district of Fürth reacted very quickly and opened such a practice in Cadolzburg at the end of March.
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The district of Fürth commissioned AGNF with the planning and implementation. Within a week, our employees at the Dillenberg School Center in Cadolzburg worked hard to prepare everything for commissioning. It was important to ensure that there was no overlap between potentially infectious patients and pupils, even when school resumed. This could be ensured with a triage (patient triage) upstream of the building, spatially separated treatment rooms, as well as a corresponding control of the patient flow via separate entrances.

Potentially infected citizens were registered via their GP or contacted the practice directly by telephone to make an appointment. As a rule, patients could be treated in the practice on the same day. On arrival, the patient was triaged according to the probability of a COVID-19 infection (according to the RKI scheme) and the medical urgency (adapted ESI triage concept).

If the infection triage was positive, the patient was examined under full protection by a doctor and a healthcare professional in a separate treatment area. A swab test for SARS-CoV-2 was also routinely carried out and the test results were often available the following day. Patients with corresponding respiratory symptoms were referred directly to clinical care.

Fortunately, many of the patients only showed moderate flu-like symptoms. These patients were often able to remain in home quarantine. Patients who were not suspected cases were treated in the building. All the resources that are found in a GP practice were available there. In detail, these are

Laboratory diagnostics
12-lead ECG
Various rapid laboratory tests
The daily utilization of the practice fluctuated greatly. On some days, up to 30 patients were examined and treated. However, due to the nationwide lockdown, the number of COVID-19 cases in the district of Fürth is fortunately declining. This helped to avoid overloading medical care capacities. Fortunately, the district of Fürth is therefore currently able to suspend the operation of the Cadolzburg specialist practice.

For us at AGNF, this was and is an interesting and exciting change from the familiar and routine of everyday education. It was also very important to us to make a contribution to society in the current crisis situation.

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