NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

The Fürth Declaration, a joint declaration for strong vocational training in the emergency services, aims to establish uniform standards and sustainably improve the quality of training in the emergency services. The aim is to initiate a sustainable and nationally coordinated training strategy in the emergency services.

The Fürth Declaration was adopted as part of the Fürth Talks 2024 organized by the Institute for Emergency Medicine Education (INOB). The Fürth Talks are a recurring expert forum that brings together representatives from universities, vocational schools, associations and funding bodies.

The groundbreaking declaration was created against the backdrop of the considerable challenges facing vocational education and training: from different training standards to a lack of uniform examination requirements and a lack of consistency in qualifications. These impede the mobility of skilled workers and lead to uncertainty among trainees and employers.

Patient safety and the efficiency of the rescue service can be improved through standardized training quality as well as the professional competence of emergency paramedics. Particularly in view of an ageing society, rising emergency numbers and increasingly complex deployment scenarios, well-founded training geared towards real care needs is also required.

The full article on the Fürth Declaration has now been published in the specialist journal ‘Notfall + Rettungsmedizin’.

The key points agreed in the agreement are already being actively prepared by the signatories. The results will be presented to a specialist audience at the first congress for vocational training in the emergency services, which will take place in Fürth on March 27 and 28. Further information and the opportunity to register can be found at