NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

Improving emergency care at Villa Maria Hospital

Uganda has one of the highest incidence rates of road deaths and trauma on the African continent. Although Villa Maria Hospital is the only referral hospital in the catchment area of the Ugandan Kalungu district, the staff have little knowledge of emergency care. In addition, the hospital is inadequately equipped. The aim of the partnership project was to strengthen the capacity of the emergency department by training local healthcare staff and improving the hospital’s medical equipment and processes, thereby increasing the chance of survival for trauma and emergency patients.

February 2021

2 years
(until 31.1.2023)

Kalungu District (Uganda)


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By strengthening emergency room capacities and training healthcare staff, the care of emergency patients at Villa Maria Hospital has been sustainably improved.


  • September 2021: Joint assessment of existing emergency reception structures and processes to define resources, needs and objectives
  • October 2021: Implementation of structural changes in the emergency room
  • January 2022: Procurement of equipment for the emergency department – such as patient monitors, suction units, ECG, defibrillator, etc.
  • January 2022: Procurement of training material and preparation of a training concept adapted to the context
  • February 2022: Implementation of a first “Basic Emergency Care” course for nursing staff and clinical officers from the emergency department
  • Development and introduction of standard procedures and work processes for the emergency department
  • September 2022: Implementation of a second “Basic Emergency Care” course with ToT (Trainer of the Trainer) concept for nursing staff and medical staff in the emergency department. This enabled trainers to be trained for the standardized BEC course, who can pass on the knowledge from the course in the long term and sustainably.

Would you like to support us?

Our projects are financed by grants, our association’s own funds and donations. Help us to improve emergency medical care in our partner countries. Every contribution is helpful and flows directly into our projects abroad.

Donate directly via Paypal

Donation account:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth
Volks- und Raiffeisenbank
IBAN: DE66 7606 9559 0003 2784 84
Purpose: “International / VM”


Our project is supported by the Initiative Klinikpartnerschaften – Partner stärken Gesundheit. The funding program was initiated in 2016 by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation. It supports partnerships between health organizations in Germany and medical facilities in low- and middle-income countries. The aim of the initiative is to improve healthcare services in developing and emerging countries by creating a platform on which various organizations can work together in partnership and benefit from the mutual transfer of knowledge at a professional level.

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Laura Beutler Contact us now