NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

The first ever Franconian derby for acute, emergency and intensive care medicine – FANI’24 – was officially opened on Friday lunchtime. Patron Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann welcomed the participants on site at the SRH Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences in Fürth.

The FANI is organized by the Institute for Emergency Medical Education (INOB), which organized the congress together with its cooperation partners Klinikum Nürnberg, Klinikum Fürth, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e. V. and Technologietransferzentrum Stein der Hochschule Ansbach. Around 100 top-class expert lectures and several workshops took place until Saturday, which were embedded in a colorful supporting program with Medic Slams and an action area of the Bavarian Red Cross on the Xylokastroplatz. Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, for Sport and Integration, MdL, emphasized in his welcoming address: “Comprehensive and high-quality emergency medical care for our Bavarian population is very important to me personally. In order to further strengthen Bavaria’s leading role, events and discussion formats that enable an exchange between the various parties involved are of crucial importance. Around 400 experts from acute, emergency and intensive care medicine came together in Fürth for the very first edition of the congress. Klaus Meyer, Managing Director and Director of the INOB, is delighted with the great response: “With the FANI, we want to offer experts from the region and beyond a platform for exchanging knowledge and networking. We have deliberately put together a program that is equally interesting for doctors, nursing staff and emergency services personnel. The great response shows that we are on the right track with this format. After opening with workshops in small groups on topics such as neonatal emergencies, echocardiography and ventilation, the focus was then on lectures and discussions covering a wide range of topics from resuscitation, emergency care and infectiology to emergency reform and interdisciplinary intensive care medicine. In March, the “Education in Emergency Services” congress and the “WEEM – Women Empowerment in Emergency Medicine” conference will be two further new INOB formats. A new edition of the FANI in 2025 is also being considered. Photo: Pixel Campus Ansbach University of Applied Sciences from left to right: Markus Braun (Mayor of Fürth), Petra Guttenberger (Member of the State Parliament, Deputy Chair of the Emergency Medicine Working Group Fürth e.V.), Clemens Werkmeister (President of SRH Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein (President of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, Scientific Director of INOB), Dr. Frank Sinning (Medical Director of the Emergency Medicine Working Group Fürth e. V.), Prof. Dr. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein (President of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, Scientific Director of INOB).V.), Prof. Dr. Joachim Ficker (Chief Physician Internal Medicine at Nuremberg Hospital), Mirjam Schmidt (Director INOB), Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann, Klaus Meyer (Director INOB, Chairman of the Board of the Emergency Medicine Working Group Fürth e.V.), Prof. Dr. med. Harald Dormann (Scientific Director INOB, Chief Physician Central Emergency Department Klinikum Fürth), Dr. Alexander Mohr (Board of Directors Klinikum Fürth)