NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

Klinikum Würzburg Mitte is the official venue for resuscitation training courses

The “Newborn Life Support” (NLS) and “Advanced Life Support” (ALS) courses are offered, which provide training in advanced resuscitation measures for newborns and adults. In addition to imparting basic theoretical knowledge, the training courses are characterized above all by a high practical component.

Doctors, nursing staff, midwives and rescue service personnel work together on an interdisciplinary basis during the realistic training. The exercise situations reflect the everyday life of all professional groups and are intended to improve cooperation in real emergency situations.

The courses are aimed at all interested parties from hospitals, emergency services and private practices. In line with the current situation, the courses are held in compliance with strict hygiene concepts. Further information and online registration can be found on the AGNF website (


From left to right: Christofer Krieg, Emergency Coordinator at the KWM, Sebastian Habicht, Head of Training and Further Education at the AGNF,

Simon Veit, Assistant to the Director of Medicine at the KWM, and Dominik Landeck, KWM Managing Director (Photo: Klinikum Würzburg Mitte)