NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

On the occasion of bildung37°’s first anniversary, there was reason to celebrate. The AGNF’s education brand can already boast impressive figures in its first year.

At our locations in Stein, Fürth and Roth, we celebrated bildung37° ‘s first birthday with cake for our course participants, students and the entire team. Because looking back on the first twelve months is more than pleasing:

Over 4,000 participants attended bildung37° events in the first year. These included 139 students training to become emergency paramedics, 206 participants in our paramedic courses and 1,184 participants in ERC course formats.
21,342 shocks were delivered in resuscitation training courses. 32,225 hours were taught by our lecturers in courses and classes at our vocational schools. During the first year of bildung37°, 25,169 cups of coffee and 1,678 liters of milk were consumed. Around 8,000 syringes were used in exercises and training sessions.
41,309 km were covered on trips to in-house courses. Around 70 team members and 150 lecturers contribute to the success of our competence center for acute and emergency medicine.

Many thanks to our course participants, students, lecturers, partners and the entire team who work on bildung37° both in front of and behind the scenes!

We look forward to many more successful years.