NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

We have canceled many of our Facebook posts that were planned for these weeks. They would have been out of date and would not have done justice to the current situation. Today we would like to give you an insight into our CORONA everyday life. The school closures led to some new challenges for our team, especially for our teachers at the vocational school for emergency paramedics:

– How do we maintain close contact with our students?
– How can the individual learning process continue to be supported and positively influenced?
– Which teaching methods can be used sensibly and successfully over a greater distance?

The intensive use of our online learning platform, as well as the introduction of telephone and video conferences between class leaders and their students, were the first steps towards the most effective possible compensation for the canceled lessons.

Our teachers also provide their students with learning packages that present the content of the teaching phases in a condensed form and enable them to work on tasks from home. The use of e-learning in combination with regular telephone and internet conversations enables us to provide our students with intensive support. We try to do as much as possible from our home office.

In the area of further education and training, we are working intensively on new and proven concepts, striving for improvements and updating them. In addition to introducing new training courses, such as “Hygiene Officer in Healthcare”, we are primarily developing our patient safety offering and our SIMBULANCE.

As a course center of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), we prepared intensively for the publication of the guidelines in October 2020. In addition to the GRC Resuscitation Dialogue in Cologne, a satellite event was planned in the greater Nuremberg/Fürth/Erlangen area. Last Friday, the publication of the new guidelines was postponed by one year.

At the beginning of last week, we provided two of our ventilators to a peripheral clinic on request. One of them is already in use in an intensive care unit, while the second is available for the emergency care of patients. Even if the occasion is not particularly pleasant, we are still pleased that our appliances are being put to more sensible use during this time than standing in stone in the cellar.

Next week, an outpatient care center will go into operation in the district of Fürth. This should provide additional medical capacity at the height of the pandemic, which is expected to reach us in the coming weeks. We provide conceptual and organizational support and are also involved in operations.

What is your situation? What has changed for you in the last few weeks? Write us your impressions and experiences.

Stay healthy everyone and hope to see you soon, ¬

Your team of the Working Group for Emergency Medicine Fürth e.V.