NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

For more safety and health in our society

We are the AGNF – partner for innovative educational concepts and projects in acute and emergency medicine. We build bridges between medicine, society and knowledge. Open to new ideas and a diverse network. Full of expertise, humanity and spirit.

Contact us now

Our topics

bildung37° – the educational manufactory for acute and emergency medicine

We impart guideline-based specialist knowledge and the mindset required to succeed in an emergency. With a team of more than 150 educators, trainers and experts. With a lot of empathy. And a future-oriented range of technical and digital teaching aids.

To the education portal

First aid systems and public defibrillators

As part of the FÜRTH SCHOCKT! initiative, we have made automated external defibrillators permanently accessible in the city and district of Fürth and activate and train first aiders. Other cities and regions will follow.

Institute for Emergency Medical Education (INOB)

With the INOB, we are contributing to the development of greater patient safety, more efficient rescue services and better emergency response. Innovative educational concepts and research projects arise from practical experience and scientific expertise.

Erasmus+ project “”

The platform was launched as a campaign for education in rescue services. It serves as a platform for teachers, experts and those interested in rescue service education to exchange information and resources.

Our partners & associated organizations

AGNF worldwide

Health knows no boundaries. That is why we are also trying to help in other countries beyond Germany. We are involved in educational projects and aid initiatives in Uganda and Ukraine, among other places. More are to follow.

More about our projects

We help – with your support

Do you have the opportunity to support the AGNF? You can do this as a member of our association. Or even with a simple donation. This will help us to help other people.

Donate directly via Paypal

Donation account:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth
Volks- und Raiffeisenbank
IBAN: DE66 7606 9559 0003 2784 84
Purpose: “International”

Latest news

The AGNF is involved in a wide range of projects – from education in acute and emergency medicine to the expansion of rescue infrastructure. Learn more

1 year bildung37°

On the occasion of bildung37°'s first anniversary, there was reason to celebrate. The AGNF's education brand can already boast impressive figures in its first year. At our locations in Stein, Fürth and Roth, we celebrated bildung37° 's first birthday with cake for our...

Publication of the Fürth Declaration

The Fürth Declaration, a joint declaration for strong vocational training in the emergency services, aims to establish uniform standards and sustainably improve the quality of training in the emergency services. The aim is to initiate a sustainable and nationally...

First ERC course phase in Albania successfully completed

In cooperation with our partner Swiss Foundation for Innovation (SFI) and funded by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the Clinic Partnerships program, the AGNF conducted ERC courses in Albania in an initial course phase. During the two-week...

Conference “WEEM – Women Empowerment in Emergency Medicine”

The Department of Emergency Medicine of the Institute for Emergency Medical Education (INOB) is organizing the first conference "WEEM - Women Empowerment in Emergency Medicine" on 29.03.2025 in Fürth. Detailed information, the program and tickets for the event can now...

Our team

Our team is structured according to skills and experience and thrives on open exchange based on a simple philosophy: together we will achieve more.

“As a society, making more safety and health possible for every individual – that is the goal that unites us in the AGNF.” Klaus Meyer, Chairman of the Executive Board
Klaus Meyer, M.A.
Chairman of the Executive Board
Managing Director
Sebastian Habicht, B.A., MBA
Head of the vocational schools for emergency paramedics
Head of Education
Moritz Wilken
Head of Central Organization

We are here

Do you have any questions, requests or ideas? Feel free to contact us at any time. Contact us now