NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

The experts are calling for a reliable legal framework for lay resuscitation as a key component in saving lives. Among them was Klaus Meyer, Chairman of the AGNF Board, who presented FÜRTH SCHOCKT! as an example of a regional initiative for the comprehensive installation of publicly accessible AEDs and the alerting of trained first aiders. At their meeting at Nuremberg Hospital, the expert panel for the implementation of the National Action Plan for Resuscitation once again emphasized the central importance of lay resuscitation and its establishment in the population. The 3 big H’s (Main thing: vigorous cardiac massage) and the rule of thumb Check – Call – Push must be anchored in the minds of the population so that help can be provided in an emergency and the number of around 10,000 people who die unnecessarily from sudden cardiac death every year can be reduced. The Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit is an association of representatives of the healthcare professions, their associations, patient organizations as well as industry and business in order to establish a joint platform for improving patient safety in Germany. The Action Alliance was founded in 2005 as a non-profit association.
The central topics are safe healthcare and the research, development and dissemination of suitable methods for this. Patient information and recommendations for action are produced on a voluntary basis by practitioners for practitioners. Photo: © Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit
From left to right:
Dr. Christian Engelen, Klaus Meyer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd W. Böttiger, Dr. Christian Deindl, Olaf Winkler, Birgit Kraft, Klaus Friedrich