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Containment of
Covid-19 in Uganda

As part of this project, two healthcare professionals from each district in Uganda were trained in the prevention and containment of Covid-19 together with ECCUganda. Thanks to a train-the-trainer concept, these specialists were and are able to train further healthcare staff in their district. We have supported every district in Uganda nationwide in the fight against and containment of SARS-CoV-2. 268 trainers have been trained, who in turn pass on their knowledge of infection prevention and control to local healthcare professionals in their district.



January 2021

1 year

Uganda (nationwide)


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Implementation of a nationwide training program for health workers in the prevention and containment of Covid-19 in Uganda.


  • January 2021: Hold a two-day workshop with representatives of the Ministry of Health and key stakeholders to exploit synergies and create a standardized curriculum
  • February 2021: local procurement of training material and recruitment of suitable trainers
  • April 2021: Conduct a series of several three-day train-the-trainer courses to train at least two professionals from each district in Uganda
  • By January 2022: Support the new trainers in implementing the training in their districts by providing training materials and technical advice
  • Ongoing: continuous evaluation of activities in the districts by obtaining training reports and supporting trainers through digital communication




The project is funded by the Covid-19 Special Call for Clinic Partnerships Initiative. In response to the outbreak of the coronavirus in summer 2020, this was put out to tender with additional budget funds as part of Germany’s commitment to development cooperation. Clinic partners that have already received funding, have an established partnership and were able to offer targeted support were targeted.

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Laura Beutler

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