NEWWatch out! Our training program for acute and emergency medicine is now called bildung37° – all information can now be found at

Care for critically
sick children in Uganda

Globally, 5.6 million children under the age of five died in 2016, almost all of them (99%) in low- to middle-income countries. The neonatal and maternal mortality rates in Uganda are alarmingly high by international standards and are among the highest in the world. This is partly due to the lack of adequate emergency care and trained staff.

The training of local instructors and course directors ensures that the local partners can later conduct EPALS and NLS courses independently of the AGNF. This will establish the standardized and continuously modernized ERC course formats in Uganda on a long-term and sustainable basis.

September 2022

2 years

Uganda (nationwide)


Our project aims to strengthen the skills and knowledge of health workers by introducing ERC certified Paediatric Advanced Life Support (EPALS) and Newborn Life Support (NLS) courses to improve emergency care – especially for children and newborns – in Uganda.


  • Mai 2023: Beschaffung und Übergabe von Trainingsmaterial und Equipment an die lokale Partnerorganisation Association of Ambulance Professionals Uganda (AAPU) in Kooperation mit den beiden Krankenhäusern Lubaga und Nsambya Hospital in der Hauptstadt Kampala
  • Juni 2023: Durchführen einer ersten intensiven Kursphase mit internationalen Instruktoren, inklusive eines Instruktorenkurses und Ausbildung mind. eines ugandischen Kursdirektors, sodass die Kurse unabhängig in Uganda fortgeführt werden können
  • März 2024: Durchführung eines weiteren Instruktorenkurses mit internationalen Instruktoren
  • Unterstützung des lokalen Partners in der Durchführung weiterer Kurse sowie im Prozess, ein offizielles ERC EPALS/NLS Kurszentrum 
zu werden


The Association of Ambulance Professionals Uganda AAPU is an umbrella organization that brings together all pre-hospital ambulance service providers and emergency care bodies in Uganda. AAPU organizes conferences, maintains a national and international network, publishes statements, introduces training programs in the country, establishes research programs, sets expert standards and coordinates disaster control operations. The representatives and officials of AAPU are representatives of emergency services, professional societies, clinics and politics who are highly committed to promoting important issues.

Would you like to support us?

Our projects are financed by grants, our association’s own funds and donations. Help us to improve emergency medical care in our partner countries. Every contribution is helpful and flows directly into our projects abroad.

Donate directly via Paypal

Donation account:
Emergency Medicine Working Group Fürth
Volks- and Raiffeisenbank
IBAN: DE66 7606 9559 0003 2784 84
Purpose: “International”


Our project is supported by the Initiative Klinikpartnerschaften – Partner stärken Gesundheit. The funding program was initiated in 2016 by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation. It supports partnerships between health organizations in Germany and medical facilities in low- and middle-income countries. The aim of the initiative is to improve healthcare services in developing and emerging countries by creating a platform on which various organizations can work together in partnership and benefit from the mutual transfer of knowledge at a professional level.

Hier für Sie

Laura Beutler

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